ACE Events
ACE Annual Meeting

- 3-day meeting every September with content developed around a public health theme.
- Members and nonmembers are welcome to attend which has something for everyone from students and new professionals to mid-career and seasoned professionals.
What can you do at the annual meeting?
Plenary, concurrent roundtable, and poster sessions
- Examples of roundtables include:
- Roundtable discussions occur at breakfast and lunch which provides you an opportunity to interact with award winners, plenary session speakers, and other sessions ranging from career opportunities to epidemiologic questions of the day.
Awards Luncheon
- 4 awards per year. Winners are selected by the Awards Committee from the many nominations submitted each year.
Speed Networking and Job Fair
- Speed networking – meeting attendees can sign up for this session which provides an opportunity to spend a few minutes with several ACE members and fellows to increase their network.
- Job Fair – Available positions including postdoctoral fellowships are advertised and attendees are welcome to browse.
Career Mentoring Sessions
- A great opportunity for members to meet with and network with one another and ACE fellows.
- Examples include (individual workshops may require additional registration fees):
- Minority Affairs Committee Workshop (Open to all attendees; no fee required)
- Data Matters: Improving Your Study through Professional Data Management
- Introduction to Effective Graphics in SAS
- Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health
- In the News: Communicating Research Findings to the Media and Public