Annual Student Paper Prize

Award Description

Individuals are invited to submit their unpublished, original research paper, completed during graduate epidemiology training, for consideration for the Student Paper prize. The paper should not be published or accepted for publication at the time of submission for consideration of the award. The awardee will receive a monetary prize and complementary annual meeting registration. The paper can be given an expedited review, if desired, by the Annals of Epidemiology

Eligibility Criteria

  • The first author of the submitted paper must be eligible for ACE Associate Member status and enrolled in a master’s or doctoral epidemiology training program, or have completed training no later than January of the calendar year of the annual meeting.
  • Work must have been completed during the student’s training program, contain original research, and be suitable for publication.
  • The paper may be under review, but cannot be published at the time of submission.

Past Student Prize Paper Awardees

The Student Prize Award recognizes an outstanding scientific contribution by a student of epidemiology. The Student Prize consists of:
  • Financial assistance to attend the Annual Meeting of the American College of Epidemiology
  • Presentation of the paper at the annual meeting
  • Consideration for publication in the Annals of Epidemiology, with expedited review
The award is conferred each year at the Annual Meeting and the recipient has the opportunity to deliver a platform talk to the College. 

1991 Cheng-Kuang Shaw, University of Michigan "An epidemiologic study of osteoporosis in Taiwan"
1992 Anthony D. So, University of California at San Francisco "Gender differences in post-infarction care: The Yentl Syndrome revisited"
1993 Andrea M. Sass-Kortsak, University of Western Ontario "An investigation of the association between exposure to styrene and chronic hearing loss"
1994 Pauline Mendola, State University of New York at Buffalo "Spontaneous fetal death and PCB- contaminated sport fish consumption"
1995 Christine B. Ambrosone, State University of New York at Buffalo "Cigarette smoking, N-acetyl-transferase genetic polymorphisms, and breast cancer risk"
1996 Lisbet Lundsberg, Yale University "Low to moderate alcohol use during pregnancy and IUGR, low birth weight, and pre-term delivery"
1997 Sara B. Mostad, University of Washington "Hormonal contraception, vitamin A deficiency, and other risk factors for cervical and vaginal shedding of HIV-1 infected cells"
1998 Martin C. Tammemagi, University of Toronto "A study of smoking, p53 tumor suppressor gene alterations, and non-small cell lung cancer"
1999 Cornelia M. Ulrich, University of Washington "Colorectal adenomas and the C677T MTHFR polymorphism: Evidence for gene-environment interaction?"
2000 Edward A. Lew, Yale University "Helicobacter pylori, gastrointestinal reflux, their interrelationships, and the risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma"
2001 Dora Il'yasova, University of North Carolina "Black tea consumption reduces risk of rectal cancer among women in Moscow"
2002 Wiwan Sanasuttipun, University of North Carolina "Particulate air pollution and lung cancer: a case-control study in Connecticut, Utah, and Idaho"
2003 Ghazala Perveen, University of Oklahoma "Prediction of cardiovascular mortality in coronary angiogram patients"
2004 Richard Kwok , University of North Carolina (UNC) " Changes in Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Associated with Drinking Water Arsenic Exposure in Inner Mongolia, China,1997-1999 "
2006 Suzanne Gilboa , University of North Carolina (UNC) "Relationship between Ambient Air Quality and Selected Birth Defects, Seven County Study, Texas, 1997-2000 ”
2007 Cheryl R. Stein, Mount Sinai School of Medicine "Screening Young Adults for Prevalent Chlamydial Infection in Community Settings"
2008 Stella Koutros, Yale University and the National Cancer Institute "Use of Imazethapyr, an Aromatic Amine Pesticide, and Human Cancer Risk”
2009 Leah Ferucci, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute "Dietary meat intake in relation to colorectal adenoma in asymptomatic women"
2010 Brandon DL Marshall, University of British Columbia, School of Population and Public Health "Reduction in Overdose Mortality Following the Opening of a Medically Supervised Injecting Facility”
2012 Sarah J. Lowry University of Washington, Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, “Risk of non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in Relation to Tricyclic Antidepressant Use”
2013 Bianca Malcolm, National Center for Health Statistics "The spatiotemporal characteristics of seasonal influenza in the United States, 1968-2008”
2014 Katherine J. Sapra, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, "Successive Time-to-Pregnancy Among Women Experiencing Pregnancy Loss"
2015 William Murk, Yale School of Public Health, "Confronting the missing epistasis problem: on the reproducibility of gene-gene interactions"
2019 Sazid Khan, “Small Area Estimation of County-Level U.S. HIV Prevalent Cases”
2020 Priyanka Vakkalanka, “Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Dependence is Associated with Decreased Risk of Suicide, Overdose, and All-Cause Mortality”
2021 Seth, Frndak, “Reducing the complexity of high-dimensional environmental data: an analytical framework using grouped LASSO with considerations of causal structure”
2022 Kaitlyn M. Berry
2023 Allison Lind