American College of Epidemiology Annual Scientific Meeting

September 26-28, 1998 At the Hyatt Regency Embarcadero San Francisco
Epidemiology and Community Interventions in Diverse Populations
Conducting epidemiologic research and successfully introducing appropriate interventions in diverse populations is an historic challenge for public health professionals. Numerous barriers and ethical dilemmas have created a need for researchers and providers from multiple disciplines to openly discuss and debate their successes and failures in order to devise workable approaches for future studies. Clearly new strategies will be needed in order to realize the goal of improving health status in diverse communities.
The 1998 Annual Meeting of the American College of Epidemiology will address research and policy issues associated with the development, administration, evaluation, and interpretation of community interventions in diverse populations. The meeting will include plenary sessions, panel discussions, and debates on controversial topics. Pre-conference workshops will cover, in more detail, topics relevant to the theme of the meeting, including the communication of results of epidemiologic studies to the press and the community.
Plenary sessions will cover -
- Criteria for developing community interventions;
assesing the epidemiologic evidence, feasibility, and potential public health impact.
- Special needs for studies of unique populations
defined by geographic location, gender, age, ethnicity, and/or occupation
- Developing and maintaining partnerships with
health agencies and community organizations
- Designing randomized trials in community settings
- Incorporating methods and research strategies from
other disciplines (e.g. the social and behavioral sciences, city and regional planning, and environmental design)
- Translating results from community interventions into public health policy
"Our Official Approach to the AIDS Epidemic Ignores Historical Lessons from Epidemiology and Public Health
PROGRAM SUMMARY Saturday, September 26 1998 1:00pm - 6:00pm - Pre- conference workshops
Workshop 1 - Genetic Fundamentals of Molecular Epidemiology
Christine B. Ambrosone, Ph.D., Division of Molecular Epidemiology, National Center for Toxicological Research
Jan Dorman, Ph.D., Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh
Robert E. Farrell, Jr., Ph.D., President and CEO, Exon-Intron, Inc.
Jack A. Taylor, M.D., Ph.D., Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology Group, NIEHS
The goal of this workshop is to provide participants with:
- Basic background in molecular genetics - DNA structure, replication,
transcription, and translation, as well as metabolic pathways for environmental exposures;
- Familiarity with terms and concepts that appear in published molecular
epidemiologic studies and ability to evaluate the literature
- Guidelines for and examples of application of molecular biomarkers to
epidemiologic studies.
It is becoming increasingly clear thant the tools of biochemistry and molecular genetics can facilitate the identification of both risk factors and populations at risk for a number of diseases. This workshop is designed to provide a background in some of the basics of genetics and biochemistry as they may be applied to epidemiologic studies. This course will provide provide an overview of concepts in molecular epidemiology and fundamentals of molecular biology. Issues related to proper study design and interpretation will be discussed as will practical and ethical considerations for biological sample collection and genetic testing. While material covered will necessarily be broad and not-in-depth, the workshop will provide a basic background for established researchers as well as graduate students who would like to have a clearer understanding of concepts in molecular epidemiology. For those who are interested in directing their careers towards this type of research, it should provide a base from which to begin studies and hopefully, fuel an excitement for molecular epidemiologic research.
Workshop 2 - Epidemiology and the Media: How to Interact and Communicate Effectively
Susan Olivera, Sc.D., Sloane-Kettering Cancer Center
Dolly Katz, Ph.D., Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Miami School of Medicine
Holly G. Atkinson, M.D., Editor, "HealthNews" from The Massachusetts Medical Society and President and CEO, Reuters Health Information Inc.
Ellan Cates, Media and Presentation Consultant
Sheryl Meredith, Public Relations Consultant, former Vice President, Edelman Medical
Edward P. Davis, Esq., Media Law, Partner, The Genesis Law Group
At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will:
- Understand the role of broadcasters and journalistss in disseminating
study findings and how this differs from that of the epidemiologist: thus, why epidemiologists and journalists often "seem to speak different languages";
- Develop the skills to take charge of an interview and present
information in a way that is easily understood and less likely to be misunderstood or misquoted:
- Learn the fundametals of speaking to and presenting scientific
information to the media, including the legal apsects of what is "on the record";
- Be aware of how a "press release" attracts media attention and be
familiar with the role the epidemiologist can play in writing or reviewing the press release.
Results of epidemiologid studies are increasingly visible in the print and electronic media. Epidemiologists often play a crucial role in communicating study findings directly and indirectly to the general public. Epidemiologic data may be subject to misrepresentation or misinterpretation in the press; this may lead to confusion and mistriust of epidemiologic research. The epidemiologist can be instrumental in helping the media understand and translate important medical research and can play a more active and effective role in interactions with the media if equipped with skills for effective communication. Understanding the needs of journalists and having the necessary tools to appropriately interact with journalists and news broadcasters will help ensure that epidemiologic data are appropriately interpreted and reported. This workshop will provide an opportunity to understand the role of the media in reporting scientific findings, to learn effective communications tools in working with the media, and to participate in hands-on media training.
Workshop 3 - Qualitative Approaches to Data Collection for Epidemiologic Research
Richard B. Warnecke, Ph.D., Director, Survey Research Laboratory, School of Public Health, University of Illinois
Diane O'Rourke, M.Ed., Coordinator of Research Programs, Survey Research Laboratory, School of Public Health, University of Illinois
The purpose of this workshop is to present an introduction to qualitative methods for assessing the validity of survey questions.
This workshop will focus on the processes by which people approach survey questions including interpretation of the meaning of questions, recalling information pertinent to the meaning, formation of judgements about information, and the editing of responses. The approaches that will be described include:
- cognitive think-aloud techniques;
- focus groups;
- monitoring interviewer and interviewee contact;
- coding interactions;
- the standard pre-test;
- how the above relate to one another.
Discussion will also include:
- inclusion rules for ordinary conversation;
- effects of order (item placement in questionnaires);
- the relationship between event recall and the
time that events took place;
- recall of event frequency.
Examples will be provided from a wide range of range. Participants are encouraged to bring survey questions for discussion on overheads.
Sunday, September 27, 1998
8:00am - 8:30am - Welcome and Introduction Sally W. Vernon, Ph.D., ACE President Brenda Eskennasi, Ph.D.and William Satariano, Ph.D., Program Co-Chairs
8:30am - 9:30am - Keynote Address: Community Participation, Empowerment, and Health S.Leonard Syme, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of California at Berkeley
9:45am - 12:00pm - Morning Session: Population-based Epidemiology: What are the issues? Marilyn Winkleby, Ph.D., Chair
- Where have we been: The overview, Robert Hiatt,
M.D., Ph.D.
- The Changing demographics of "the community":
Implications for epidemiological research, Raynard Kington, M.D., Ph.D.
- Population-based interventions: Smoking trials as an
example, Judith K. Ockene, Ph.D.
- Targeted interventions: More bang for your buck
Eliseo Perez - Stable, M.D.
- Policy interventions: Contributions and challenges,
John P. Pierce, Ph.D.
- The need for comprehensive, integrated approaches:
Next generation of studies, Marilyn Winkleby, Ph.D.
12:00pm - 2:00pm - Lunch/Workshop: Working in the Community: Strategies for Effective Communication Brenda Eskenazi, Ph.D., Chair
Guest Speaker: "When Epidemiology Breeds Fear: Implications for Risk Perception and Risk Communication", Paul Slovic, Ph.D., President Decision Research, and Professor of Psychology, University of Oregon.
Panel Discussion: Christine Arnesen, R.N., M.P.H., Envioronmental -Investigations Branch, California Department of -Health Services. Michael Bracken, Ph.D., M.P.H., Department of Chronic - Disease Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health. Lynn Goldman, M.D., M.P.H., Office of Prevention, - Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, US Environmental - Protection Agency. Dolly Katz, Ph.D., Department of Epidemiology and Public - Health, University of Miami School of Medicine
2:00pm - 4:15pm - Afternoon Session: Community Based Studies: Moving Out of the Ivory Tower Arthur Chen, M.D., Chair
- Community collaborations: The agony and the
ecstasy of setting the research agenda, Robert Fulilove, Ed.D.
- Establishment and maintanence of community
partnerships, Diane Rowley, M.D., M.P.H.
- Forging collaborations for community research:
The Bay View Hunter's Point Project, Kevin Grumbach, M.D.
- Community consent: Getting beyond paternalism
in intervention research, Robert E McKeown, Ph.D.
- Collecting biological specimens: Logistics,
precautions, and responsibilities, Beth Newman, Ph.D.
4:30pm - 5:30pm - Buisness Meeting For ACE Members
5:30pm - 7:30pm - Poster Session and Reception
7:30pm - 10:00pm Dinner On Your Own (Posters remain up)
Monday, September 28, 1998
7:30am - 9:00am - Breakfast Roundtables
- The need for multidisciplinary collaborations in
community research, Rena Pasick, Dr.P.H., Joyce Bird, Ph.D., and Regina Otero-Sabogal, Ph.D.
- How can we bring diversity into the profession?,
Victor Schoenbach, Ph.D. and William Jenkins, Ph.D., M.P.H.
- Developing community partnerships, Arthur Chen,
M.D., Barbara Green-Ajufo, Dr. P.H., and Diane Rowley, M.D.,M.P.H.
- Environmental justice: Balancing the need for
advocacy and science, Raquel Morello-Frosch, Ph.D. and Robin Baker, M.P.H.
- Recruiting ethnic minority groups and increasing
response rates in community-based studies, Beth Newman, Ph.D.
- Establishing research partnerships in the gay
and lesbian communities, Marj Plumb, M.N.A. and Peter Sawires
7:30am - 9:0am - ACE Task Force on Doctoral Education: Open Meeting Jonathan Samet, M.D., Chair
9:15am - 11:30am - Morning Session: Design and analysis of Community Intervention Trials Sylvia B. Green, M.D., Chair
- Research Strategies in community based studies:
An overview, Ira B. Tager, M.D., M.P.H.
- Need for randomized trials versus observational
studies, Sylvan B. Green, M.D.
- Groups as units of randomization, Allan Donner, Ph.D.
- Outcome measures in community-randomized
trials, Henry A. Feldman, Ph.D.
- Issues in process evaluation, Beti Thompson, Ph.D.
11:30am - 12:00pm - Student Prize Paper A Study of Smoking, p53 Tumor Suppressor Gene Alterations and Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, Martin Tammemagi, University of Toronto
12:00pm - 2:00pm - Banquet Lunch and Lilenfeld Award Address Epidemiology at a Crossroads: Population-Based Basic and Clinical Science, Frank E. Speizer, M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1998 Lilenfeld Awardee
2:00pm - 3:30pm - Panel Discussion: How to fund community-based research Robert A Hiatt, M.D. Ph.D., Chair
Panelists: Sherry Mills, M.D., Division of Cancer Control - and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute Diane Rawley, M.D., M.P.H., Office of the Director, - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Additional panelists to be announced
2:00pm - 3:30pm - Reports from the Field Dale P. Sandler, Ph.D., Chair
- Randomized trial of estrogen plus progestin
for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in postmenopausal women: The Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study (HERS), Stephen B. Hully, M.D., M.P.H.
- Do community-based interventions work? Results of
the FoCaS Project, Electra D. Paskett, Ph.D.
- Access and culture: Why don't Latinas return for
cancer screening?, Regina R. Otero-Sabogal, Ph.D.
- Evaluation of a community intervention trial to
improve immunization in Norfolk, VA, J. Rosenthal, Ph.D., M.P.H.
3:30pm - 5:00pm Plenary Debate Motion: "Our official approach to the AIDS Epidemic ignores historical lessons from epidemiology and public health
Moderator: G. Marie Swanson, Ph.D.
Affirmative Position: Warren Winkelstein, M.D., M.P.H., Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology, Division of Public Health Biology and Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of California at Berkeley
Donald P. Francis, M.D., D.Sc., President, VaxGen, and former CDC Advisor to the California Department of Health and the Mayor of San Francisco
Negative Position: James W. Curran, M.D., M.P.H., Professor and Dean, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
June Osborn, M.D., President, Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation
The importance of public health measures (rather than specific medical therapies and vaccines) to the decline of infectious diseases in the twentieth century is now undisputed. While the relative contribution of medical measures to modern-era declines in chronic diseases may be greater, public health interventions remain overwhelmingly important. Such knowledge raises important policy questions for the biomedical and public health establishments. In the context of necessarily finite resources, what proportion of national effort should go to public health interventions and/or the search for a biomedical magic bullet (either a treatment or a vaccine)? Presently, most resources go to biomedical science and individual-level treatments, leaving relatively little for the public health measures that have proven so important in the control of earlier pandemics. As we move towards a new century, should we continue on our present course, hoping for a breakthrough discovery to help conquer AIDS? Or, are there lessons from health's historic contributions which suggest that greatly increased emphasis on public health measures may produce greater value for the money in the federal strategy against AIDS?
End of Sessions
ACE has applied for 25 hours of AMA category 1 credit of the Physician's Recognition Award of the American Medical Association. Application for additional acreditation for other disciplines will be made based on participants needs. Please contact the national office (301/251-0594) for further details
Registration fees include daily coffee breaks and one luncheon.
General Registration Pre-Reg by 8/28/98 On-Site after 8/28/98 Member $215.00 $245.00 Non-Member $300.00 $350.00 Student $95.00 $125.00 Workshop Registration Member $90.00 $120.00 Non-Member $125.00 $155.00 Student $50.00 $75.00
The site of the 1998 Annual Meeting is the spectacular Hyatt Regency Embarcadero overlooking San Francisco Bay and the city's dynamic waterfront neighborhoods. The specially negotiated room rates for ACE meeting attendees are $178.00, single $198.00 double. room reservations must be made by August 28, 1998 in order to recieve these reduced room rates. Call 415/788-1234 to make your reservations.
1998 ACE Program
Co Chairs
- Brenda Eskenazi, PhD
University of California, Berkeley
- William Satariano, PhD
University of California, Berkely
Committee Members
- Barbera Green-Aifo, Dr.P.H.
California Medical Review Inc.
- Mark Alexander, Ph.D
University of California, San Francisco
- Sylvan B. Green, M.D.
Case Western Reserve University
- Robert A. Hiatt, M.D., Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute
- Rena J. Pasick, Dr.P.H.
Northern California Cancer Center
- Dale P Sandler, Ph.D.
National Institute of Environmental Health services
- Marilyn Winkleby, Ph.D.
Stanford Unicersity